Friday, June 17, 2011

Cabinet War Rooms and Churchill Museum

Our last day in London we visit the Cabinet War Rooms and the Churchill Museum. During our two months of travel the Churchill Museum is hands down the BEST museum we have visited. The Churchill Museum and The Cabinet War Rooms now make up one large museum. The engaging and interactive displays really draw you in and tell the complete story of Winston. The Churchill Museum is very new, it just opened in 2005. No photos allowed in the Churchill Museum so there are no pictures of that.

The Cabinet War Rooms and fascinating and are kept exactly as they were during WWII. Below you will notice Churchill's bedroom just next to the big meeting room.

Last we happen to stumble across a rehearsal for West End Live and we get to see the cast of Mama Mia perform a few numbers. We are so excited to get a sample from one of the big shows that we missed.

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