Thursday, June 28, 2012

Glacier Bay

Wonderful day in Glacier Bay National Park with whales, eagles and bears. We even passed a barge packed full of goods for Nome. In the evening we attended the Captain's Circle party.

Bald Eagle on an iceberg
The many layers of packed snow and soil in the glacier.
Alaskan Brown Bear

Curtis and Bryan in Glacier Bay

Dawn, Bryan, Eva and Curtis

The dense glacier ice is blue!

Curtis, Bryan and Eva watching Marjorie Glacier

Majorie Glacier calving

Bald Eagles like to hang out on the glaciers

Bryan and Grandma Eva

Glacier Bay National Park

Humpback Whale at entrance to Glacier Bay

Barge heading to Nome, just outside of Glacier Bay

Debbie, Dawn and Bryan

Bryan and Captain Oliver

Bryan and Curtis during the midnight sunset.

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