Friday, April 29, 2011

Bridge camera for the Emerald Princess

Bridge camera for the Emerald Princess:

April 29th, 2011 - Bryan's View of the day

Today, I woke up around 9:45 to go to trivia at 10:15. Then, we went up to the "Remix" teen center and tryed to play Rock Band, but we spent the whole time setting up before the counselor's break came(The kid's club is open from 9-12, 2-5, and 7-10 on sea days). Next, we ate breakfast/lunch. After lunch, we listened to a man who had formerly worked for the Foriegn Service while he was giving presentation on the U.S. intervention of Grenada. At about 2:00, we(Wawa, Mom, and I) took a break in the room and napped, read, and looked on the computer. We all went to play Rock Band at 3:00, and actually played many songs with our new friend, Cherry, who is really good at guitar. I went to Princess Pop Choir rehearsal, where we have 4 rehearsals to learn 6 easy songs with a little, tiny bit of choreography, and I am going to lead warm-ups for the next rehearsal. I then rushed to help with the last few question in afternoon trivia. After this, we went back to the room, and got ready for dinner. We ended up just going for the appetizers for platinum and elite passengers at Skywalker's on Deck 18, and I skipped real dinner because I was so full but instead listened to musical theater songs with Maggie. Afterwards, Wawa and I ran across the ship to the Princess Theater to watch a show full of songs written by Cole Porter, but Wawa and Mom fell asleep during the show. It was alright though. Then, we went to music trivia at Club Fusion, which is at the other end of the boat, but I was sad they didn't have any musical theater songs included. Finally, we went to the International Cafe, and I had a chocolate and peanut cup, a raspberry jello cup, and two chocolate chip cookies. Next, here we are in the room getting ready to sleep.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 1 of the cruise.

We left Fort Lauderdale heading to Bermuda. Bryan danced up a storm at the sail away party getting many compliments for his smooth moves. People came up to him all evening and complimented him on his dancing and his poise. We participated in the scavanger hunt and Curtis was lucky enough to will a $50 gift certificate for the onboard shops.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011